Monday, June 30, 2008


I'm going to start writing fiction, or rather I'm going to start publishing it.

Most of you jackasses think I'm full of shit anyway.

I'm not going to copy protect my work. Either my work won't be good enough to steal, or you people will be good enough not to steal it. Not because you fear the law, not because you fear your god, and not because your girlfriend told you not to, but because you're just not that guy.

Data is free. Time and again I've explained that. But you people still insist on owning it, packing it, planting flags in it, buying it, and selling it.

A real artist gets paid for production not product. A real artist profits on commission, or not at all.

My profit will be the telling.

As a race we have forgotten how to tell stories. I look back and realize that's all we have. We dos something cool or see something cool and the best part is telling everyone. Because in the end, what does it matter? Its only real if other did or could have experienced it.

It's not the experience itself. If that were the case we'd tell everyone our dreams constantly and be ashamed of our real stories due to their blandness. Sure we share the particularly outlandish dreams but only in so far as they relate to reality. You were in my dream last night only his eyes were made of crickets and he was trying to sell me a bakery that specialized in cat medicine.

What's the important part? You.

I know the truth, and I'm sure I'll keep trying to tell you people the truth, and I'm sure you'll ignore it. But I'm also going to tell you some stories, because I like telling them and because if no one is going to listen, then I better find a way to enjoy talking.

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