Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Funny and True.

Nothing Nice to Say - the world's FIRST online punk comic

As funny as this is, it's part of a very large problem.

We as a group really seem oblivious to the possibility that effort sot solve previous problems or even the same problem, cause our problems.

Mate selection is a grand example. Maybe if women didn't select for abusive lying degenerates there would be fewer abusive lying degenerates.

2 cents

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Progress Bar

3323.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x487 pixels)

That's a very good idea. lol

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kowloon Walled City

Excellent photos from a page lamenting the destruction and improper documentation of a socially and architecturally unique human event. I share his lament and add that this is proof that when a zone of freedom is created, people will live there regardless of other conditions.

This is the freedom that only technology can give us at this point.


Unfortunately, the location was largely undocumented and it looks
like the book above is one of the most complete and easy-to-access
resources I could find on KWC. If anybody knows of any other place I
can see photos and read information, please pass that info along to me!

There are great aerial photos of KWC at deputydog.


Beautiful and atrocious, like life generally eh?

Friday, September 5, 2008


faithhealing.gif (GIF Image, 600x507 pixels)

That's pretty much it. not so much funny as insightful.

If it has to happen...

If I only...

If I only...

...Oh Wait.